Hygiene Ladders


What are hygiene ladders?

Cybersecurity Hygiene Ladders are tailored, incremental steps designed to help Texas small businesses improve their cybersecurity posture over time. These ladders provide a clear and manageable progression, starting with basic security controls and advancing to more complex measures. By breaking down cybersecurity improvement into smaller, achievable tasks, businesses can steadily enhance their defenses in a cost-effective way. This approach ensures that businesses can prioritize key areas of cybersecurity and align with compliance standards without being overwhelmed by immediate large-scale changes.

This image on the right provides a visual example of a Cybersecurity Hygiene Ladder. Each ladder is customized based on several factors unique to your business: your industry, applicable compliance frameworks, operating environment, identified threats, and the specific risks you aim to mitigate. Furthermore, it considers your current level of cybersecurity hygiene. Every step on the ladder represents a critical cybersecurity control that your business should implement. Each control is linked to a resource page, offering practical solutions and options to effectively satisfy that control.